Document Management Services and Support

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When you buy a software product after you are drawn into it by its features and benefits, one important aspect of your purchase is the ongoing support. At DocXellent, our customer software support model is our best feature. Besides having a feature rich, configurable and user friendly document management application called ENSUR, our support team is stellar. Testament to that is you can ask any customer we’ve ever had and the message is the same, they have excellent, highly responsive and friendly support.

Our customer software support comes in many types; initial installation, help in configuring ENSUR based on how you want to use the software, validation services, document control specialist training and lastly, once it’s in full use in your organization, answering emails and support questions about its daily use. All get the same attention and priority. No need to elevate the call to a higher support tier, if our Customer Support team needs to consult with our Technical team, they elevate the incident immediately. Investigation, collaboration and hard work lead to solutions.